Grade | Audio | Date | Gig | Vocalist | Source | Note |
89 | Audio | June 27, 1943 | MBS Radio Broadcast from Hurricane Restaurant, New York, New York | Vocal by Al Hibbler | At The Hurricane Club - N.Y.C. Volume 1 (Side 2, Track 4) | DE4328d |
85 | Audio | September 10, 1943 | WHN Radio Broadcast from Hurricane Restaurant, New York, New York | Vocal by Al Hibbler | The Treasury Shows, Volume 20, Disk 1 (Track 13) | DE4351a |
89 | Audio | November 8, 1943 | Studio Session for World Broadcast System, New York, New York | Vocal by Al Hibbler | World Broadcasting Series Volume One (Track 12) | DE4359o Take 1 |
89 | Audio | November 8, 1943 | Studio Session for World Broadcast System, New York, New York | Vocal by Al Hibbler | World Broadcasting Series Volume One (Track 13) | DE4359p Take 2 |
90 | Audio | December 11, 1943 | Concert from Carnegie Hall, New York, New York | Vocal by Al Hibbler | The Duke Box, Disk 6 (Track 6) | DE4364q |
63 | Audio | April 20, 1944 | MBS Radio Broadcast from the Hurricane Restaurant, New York, New York | Vocal by Al Hibbler | Treasury Shows Vol. 17 (Disk 1, Track 26) | DE4409e |
89 | Audio | June 2, 1945 | "Your Saturday Date With the Duke" ABC Radio Broadcast at the Percy Jones Hospital Center, Battle Creek, Michigan | Vocal by Al Hibbler | The Treasury Shows - Vol. 5, Disk 1 (Track 9) | DE4537i |
83 | Audio | September 8, 1945 | "Your Saturday Date With the Duke" ABC Radio Broadcast at Radio City Music Hall, New York, New York | Vocal by Al Hibbler | The Treasury Shows, Vol. 12, Disk 1 (Track 11b) | DE4560o |
85 | Audio | May 25, 1946 | "Your Saturday Date With the Duke" ABC Radio Broadcast at Radio City Music Hall, New York, New York | Vocal by Al Hibbler | The Treasury Shows, Vol. 19, Disk 2 (Track 17) | DE4615e |
76 | Audio | April 29, 1952 | Dance Date at the Armory, Yakima, Washington | Vocal by Jimmy Grissom | Rare Live Recordings 1952-3 (Disk 2, Track 13) | DE5208d |
96 | Audio | April 30, 1953 | Dance Date at McElroy's Ballroom, Portland, Oregon | Happy Birthday, Duke!, Disk 2 (Track 1) | DE5318n |
94 | November 13, 1954 | Dance Date at Dance Jantzen Beach Ballroom, Portland, Oregon | Jantzen Beach Ballroom | DE5418f |
92 | Audio | February 7-8, 1956 | Bethlehem Studio Session, Chicago, Illinois | Duke Ellington Presents (Track 1) | DE5606m |
92 | Audio | October 25, 1958 | Concert at the Kilburn Gaumont State Theatre, London, England | Duke Ellington in London 1958, Disk 1 (Track 7) | DE5838m |
84 | Audio | March 1, 1961 | CBS Studio Session, Los Angeles, California | The Columbia Studio Albums Collection, 1959-1961 (Piano in the Foreground, Track 6) | DE6101g |
86 | October 11, 1961 | Concert at Piccadilly Theatre, Chicago, Illinois | DE6125i |
93 | Audio | May 31, 1964 | Dance Date at the Holiday Ballroom, Chicago, Illinois | All Star Road Band (Track 6) | DE6442o |
92 | April 8-11, 1968 | Vocal by Ella Fitzgerald | Ella Fitzgerald Meets Duke Ellington 1968 & Benny Goodman 1958 (Track 4) | DE6818none |