Duke Ellington Discography: Blue Skies

Composer: Irving Berlin
Grade Audio Date Gig Vocalist Source Note
93 June 18, 1943 MBS Radio Broadcast from Hurricane Restaurant, New York, New York The Fabulous Forties Volume 1 (Rarities LP) (Side 1, Track 8) DE4325i
96 Audio November 8, 1943 Studio Session for World Broadcast System, New York, New York World Broadcasting Series Volume One (Track 5) DE4359f
Take 1
96 Audio November 8, 1943 Studio Session for World Broadcast System, New York, New York World Broadcasting Series Volume One (Track 6a) DE4359g
Take 2
96 Audio November 8, 1943 Studio Session for World Broadcast System, New York, New York World Broadcasting Series Volume One (Track 6b) DE4359h
Take 3
96 Audio November 8, 1943 Studio Session for World Broadcast System, New York, New York World Broadcasting Series Volume One (Track 6c) DE4359i
Take 4
94 Audio November 8, 1943 Studio Session for World Broadcast System, New York, New York World Broadcasting Series Volume One (Track 20) DE4359w
Take 5
95 Audio November 8, 1943 Studio Session for World Broadcast System, New York, New York Anniversary (Disc 5, Track 17) DE4359x
Take 6
95 Audio November 27, 1943 NBC Radio Broadcast from Trico Products Factory, Buffalo, New York Coca Cola Spotlight Bands No. 372 (Track 1) DE4361a
94 Audio April 1, 1944 MBS Radio Broadcast from the Hurricane Restaurant, New York, New York Mutual radio broadcast from Hurricane Club, New York DE4401e
94 Audio May 5, 1944 MBS Radio Broadcast from the Hurricane Restaurant, New York, New York The Treasury Shows, Vol. 25 (Disc 2, Track 17) DE4414g
95 May 25, 1944 CBS Radio Broadcast from the Hurricane Restaurant, New York, New York Star-Spangled Radio Hour KEZW DE4422g
94 Audio May 27, 1944 MBS Radio Broadcast from the Hurricane Restaurant, New York, New York Live At The Hurricane, 1944 (Track 13) DE4424f
95 Audio December 19, 1944 Concert from Carnegie Hall, New York, New York Carnegie Hall Concerts December 1944, Disk 2 (Track 7) DE4438ad
94 Audio January 15, 1945 "Jubilee" AFRS Radio Transcription, Los Angeles, California AFRS Jubilee #117 DE4506h
93 March 25, 1945 Concert at the Civic Opera House, Chicago, Illinois One Night Stand at the Civic Opera Part Two (Side 2, Track 7a) DE4509ac
94 Audio May 5, 1945 "Your Saturday Date With the Duke" ABC Radio Broadcast at the Adams Theatre, Newark, New Jersey The Treasury Shows, Vol. 3, Disk 1 (Track 10) DE4527j
94 Audio June 2, 1945 "Your Saturday Date With the Duke" ABC Radio Broadcast at the Percy Jones Hospital Center, Battle Creek, Michigan The Treasury Shows - Vol. 5, Disk 1 (Track 19) DE4537s
93 Audio August 18, 1945 "Your Saturday Date With the Duke" ABC Radio Broadcast at Radio City Music Hall, New York, New York The Treasury Shows, Vol. 10, Disk 2 (Track 12) DE4556m
92 Audio September 24, 1945 NBC Radio Broadcast from the Zanzibar Restaurant, New York, New York The Treasury Shows, Vol. 13, Disk 2 (Track 2) DE4568i
93 October 29, 1945 MBS Radio Broadcast from the Zanzibar Restaurant, New York, New York Zanzibar Restaurant DE4586g
95 Audio November 28, 1945 MBS Radio Broadcast from the Zanzibar Restaurant, New York, New York The Treasury Shows Vol. 9, Disk 2 (Track 4) DE4596c
95 March 16, 1946 NBC Radio Broadcast from WEAF Studios, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Teentimers 4 NBC Radio Broadcast DE4608b
89 Audio June 20, 1946 WDSM-AM Radio Broadcast from the Duluth Armory, Duluth, Minnesota Duluth, MN Radio Aircheck DEnone
95 Audio November 10, 1946 Concert at the Civic Opera House, Chicago, Illinois Great Chicago Concerts, Disk One (Track 19) DE4647ae
96 Audio November 25, 1946 Studio Session for Musicraft, New York, New York Happy-Go-Lucky Local (Track 13) DE4650c
Musicraft 484
Odeon R 3048
Odeon 279.780
Parlophone R.3048
92 Audio December 27, 1947 Concert at Carnegie Hall, New York, New York Carnegie Hall Concerts, December 1947, Disk 2 (Track 11) DE4737ah
92 November 13, 1948 Concert from Carnegie Hall, New York, New York Carnegie Hall, November 13, 1948, Disk 2 (Track 17) DE4802ae
95 December 1948 AFRS Radio Broadcast Live at Click Restaurant Vol. 2 (Raretone LP F003-FC) (Side 1, Track 4) DE4809d
83 May 29, 1950 Concert at Ernst Merck Halle, Hamburg, West Germany Hamburg British Forces Network radio show DE5007u
85 Audio November 19, 1950 ABC Television Broadcast "Show Time U.S.A." from New York, New York PastDaily.com Blogpost DE5015d
90 Audio January 21, 1951 Concert at Metropolitan Opera House, New York, New York at Metropolitan Opera House (Vee Jay LP) (Side 2, Track 5) DE5102p
89 Audio March 22, 1952 Dance Date at the Crystal Inn, Salem, Oregon First Annual Tour of the Pacific Northwest, Spring 1952 (Disc 1, Track 6) DE5205ac
86 Audio February 4, 1953 WMGM Radio Broadcast from the Band Box, New York, New York Mingus chez Duke, Bandbox, New York 1953, MDD 010 (Track 9a) DE5305f
86 Audio April 30, 1953 Dance Date at McElroy's Ballroom, Portland, Oregon Happy Birthday, Duke!, Disk 3 (Track 10) DE5318as
87 December 31, 1956 CBS Radio Broadcast from the Blue Note, Chicago, Illnois CBS Radio broadcast from the Blue Note, Chicago, IL DE5645b
90 Audio January 10, 1957 Concert at Grinnell College, Grinnell, Iowa Grinnell College (H8OP-0932 LP) (Side 1, Track 1) DE5703h